Learn how to detect possible visual problems in a child or adult with vision quizzes and checklists on this page.
Or you can do a click here to do a Self Evaluation.
Answer the questions, then click on “Show Me the Answers” below to see how much you really know about your vision.
Use the COVD symptoms survey to determine whether you or your child has a vision problem that interferes with learning.
If you experience several items below, a functional vision evaluation is recommended.
Do you observe the following behavior(s) in yourself or your child?
While reading or doing close work, do you notice any of the following in yourself or your child?
Do you or your child frequently complain of:
If you or your child experience several items above, you should consider a functional vision evaluation
Preschoolers Visual Development
A detailed checklist for parents of Preschoolers children. What are the normal stages and ages for visual development? Is your child’s vision developing normally?
Vision and Learning Disabilities
A short checklist for parents with information on LDs and vision from the American Optometric Association.
Learning-related Vision Problems
A vision screening quiz for parents and teachers. This multiple choice quiz gives a numerical score with recommendations.
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Vision Quiz & Symptoms
Learn how to detect possible visual problems in a child or adult with vision quizzes and checklists on this page. Or you can do a click here to do a Self Evaluation.
Vision Quiz Answers
Quick Quiz Answers
4D Self Evaluation
Complete this form to learn if Behavioral Optometry and Vision Therapy, may be able to help you or your child.
Symptoms Checklist
What Symptoms Do Adults and Children Experience That Result from Issues with Vision?