Neuro-Optometric Vision Therapy


Neuro-Optometric Vision Therapy

For children with Strabismus, Amblyopia, or Autism

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Neuro-Optometric Vision Therapy

Every child deserves to thrive in school and feel confident about their future.

Strabismus and Amblyopia

At 4D Vision Gym, we will create a Vision Therapy Plan customized to your child’s specific diagnoses, lifestyle, and goals so that every 1:1 session moves the needle in the right direction. We specialize in helping:

Strabismus is when a person has an eye turn either up, down, in, or out. This often leads to cosmetic concerns, poor depth perception, and difficulty learning.

Amblyopia is a condition in which one or both eyes are unable to see 20/20 even with glasses.

4D Vision Gym

Listen to a parent share how after years of patching her experience with 4D Vision Gym. She shares that after just a few months her child being able to see 20/20 in his glasses for the first time ever!

Click Here to Listen

Has your child…

  • Been recommended eye surgery but you really don't feel comfortable with it?
  • Had eye muscle surgery but now their strabismus has returned?
  • Been told that they don't see 20/20 and they may never?
  • Been patching without success?
  • Been told they are too old to correct their eye turn or lazy eye?
Kids vision
Kids reading
kid eye vision
kids vision

Vision Therapy helps people from all ages master their visual processing abilities so they can thrive beyond their expectations – without surgical intervention.

Whether your child is on the spectrum, has an eye turn, or received a diagnosis that doesn’t seem to resolve with other treatment, Vision Therapy can help your child.

Autism and Vision

Parents of autistic children have a variety of struggles in learning about the diagnosis of their child and how to help. The connection between autism and vision is sometimes missed because of multiple other symptoms that are more readily identified. However, learning about these symptoms can help parents and providers better assistance to children.

Because many autistic children have difficulty maintaining eye contact, many believe that it is just normal and accept that as part of the diagnosis. However, these children may have difficulty with several aspects of vision:

  • Poor balance
  • Struggling to concentrate
  • Visual stimming
  • Difficulty coordinating body movements
  • Poor spatial awareness
  • Tunnel vision
  • Frequent rubbing of eyes

Autism and vision challenges often go hand in hand. Because the child does not know anything different than their experiences, they often are unaware and therefore unable to communicate the difficulties they have in perceiving space. This can be seen in depth perception challenges. The autistic child may need to explore an object with their hands in order to more completely understand it.


  • Initial evaluation and report explaining exam findings for you to understand your starting point
  • An individualized Treatment Plan, customized to your childs unique needs
  • Email communication with 4D Team to answer any questions that come up
  • Exam and Reevaluations with Dr. Collier to track your progress and adjust your plan

Improved Mechanical Visual Functioning

Get back to reading, writing, driving, and looking at screens without struggling. No more headaches or dizziness – enjoy the things you once couldn’t!

Improved Visual Processing

Unlock new superpowers as you achieve the balance, spatial awareness, proprioception, and visual memory you didn’t have before.

Improved Life Quality

Gain back your confidence as you improve your performance in key areas of life (school/work, sports, driving).

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